My 199 Oldsmobile Delta 88 LS

My 199 Oldsmobile Delta 88 LS on its way to the scrapyard.

279,091!  That’s how many miles were on my 1999 Oldsmobile Delta 88 LS when it finally breathed its last.

I bought the car for only $2500.00 back in 2005.  It had 91,500 miles on it.  So, I put on  187,591 miles.

I guess you can say that this car was a great deal.  It cost me next to nothing and ran like a top.  I did routine maintenance and put a little bit of money into it for repairs.  The car just kept going.  I was hoping to hit the 300,000 mile mark, but that wasn’t meant to be.

Now, it’s off to the scrap yard.

Sadly, the Oldsmobile division of GM is no more.  So, new Oldsmobiles don’t exist.  If I want another one, instead of new, I’ll have to hunt around for a used Olds.

But, if most Oldsmobile owners are like me, they’re probably not selling.  Why give up dependable transportation?

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