Dad leaf raking sweatshirt front

Dad leaf raking sweatshirt – front view

It’s time to break out the blowers and rakes and clear away Mother Nature’s colorful leaf blanket.   It’s wonderful to look at the changing colors of the season.  And as the leaves begin to fall, dad will be busy in the yard.

So, when it’s time to do some leaf raking, let dad do it in style!  Give dad the official  George Leaf Raking Sweatshirt!

This sweatshirt features a terrifically funny George comic strip dealing with the autumn chore of leaf raking.  Panel one is on the front of the sweatshirt.  The payoff gag panel (panel two) is on the back in full color just like the colorful leaves dad will be raking.

So give dad the George Leaf Raking Sweatshirt. A gift this nice might even get you out of a little bit of leaf raking yourself.


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