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Archive for ‘News’

It’s election day!  Please exercise your constitutional right (and duty) and vote today.  I’m not going to tell you how to vote. That’s not the purpose of this blog. But, it’s important that you do vote. Voting is good citizenship and makes our country stronger.


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There are a lot of thieves out there and they’re coming up with new ways to steal your cash.  (Kudos to Howie Chizek at WNIR for reporting this on his radio show. ) The first theft method is called “Skimming.”  Skimming occurs when the thief places a card reading device OVER the existing ATM or […]


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Just last week, Microsoft issued its biggest every security fix.  You can read about it here. Microsoft had to specifically address vulnerabilities in it Windows operating system which could allow hackers to take control of your PC. This isn’t good news. From the article linked above, “Microsoft released 16 security patches to address 49 problems in […]


This story details how a Swedish professor’s laptop was stolen, but the thief  later returned his data. The prof. stated that, “ “This story makes me feel hope for humanity.” What?  hello!  Your laptop was stolen!  Sure, I understand that your data probably accounted for  months, maybe even years, of research.  But don’t ya think […]


“Here You Have…” a Windows Virus It happened again.  Last week, a rather vicious virus called “Here You Have” ran rampant on the internet and infected systems in top companies like ABC/Disney, ComCast, and Proctor and Gamble. The virus spread through email.  Once launched, it infected the user’s system, grabbed his/her email address book, and […]


Another malicious Trojan has surfaced. It found it’s way onto the computers of unsuspecting users and has stolen hundred of thousands of dollars. You can read all about the cyber-crime here. The article has a couple of sentences that, for me, really stand out. The first is, ” Last night online banking customers were urged […]


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One of the fun things about being cartoonist is trying out different art tools. Like a lot of cartoonists, I’ve experimented with my share of pencils, pens, drawing nibs, and graphic software applications. After all this testing, you tend to settle in on a few that become tried and true. But you continue to try […]


The specifics are still being reported, but it appears that India has developed a tablet PC that will sell for only $35.00.  You can read some of the details here and here. The Indian government is still looking for a manufacturer to produce the prototype. This Tablet PC is aimed at the developing world and […]


Welcome to the home of artist Mark Szorady’s blog and artwork!
