This is a blog post I’ve been meaning to write for the last month or two.  My nephews gave me an Amazon Echo for Christmas!

It’s an amazing device!  I love this thing!  Here’s  a recent video I did shortly after setting it up for the first time.

Alexa plays music, reads you the news, delivers the weather, plays radio shows and podcasts from around the world, does math equations and conversions, plays games, controls lighting and heating in your home…you can even order Dominoes Pizza and Uber rides!  The list goes on and on!  And it’s getting better everyday!

Tablets and iPhones are nice.  Chromebooks are cool, too.  But, if I was limited to recommending only one device, it would be the Amazon Echo hands down!  You’ll love having it in your home.  If you have Amazon Prime, all the better!  The Amazon Echo makes full use of the Prime music library and your own songs that you can upload into your online library.

So, check out the Amazon Echo!    Better yet, GET an Amazon Echo!



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