I’ve talked about a lot of things in this blog. Mostly, I’ve discussed cartooning, Linux and lately, wet shaving. But now comes something REALLY wet!

We closed out our summer with a road-trip to Niagara Falls!  The highlight of our one day get-away was Jet Boating!  My brother Jim, his son Mike, Mike’s girlfriend Brittni, and I piled into a Jet Boat to take a wet and wild tour of the Niagara River

This is something EVERYONE has got to try!  It’s like white-water rafting on steroids!

Mark, Jim, Mike, and Brittni about to board the Jet Boat and get VERY wet! (Click to see larger image).

We fist learned about this tour from our good frined and Fox8 TV’s own Neil Zurcher.  Neil originated the “One Tank Trip reports that have captivated the Northeast Ohio viewing audience for the last 30 years.  At a recent book signing, Neil was asked which “One Tank Trip” was his favorite.  He told us that his most exciting trip was the Jet Boat tour on the Niagara River.  it’s a trip he highly recommended.  With an endorsement like that, we had to give it a try.

It was worth every single penny!

You, too, can take a Jet boat tour.  Just give Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours a call or visit their web site!


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