I won!  My Kindle displays a recent Solitaire win.

I won! My Kindle displays a recent Solitaire win.

I really love my Kindle.   I can take all my books with me quite easily. It’s light, portable, and the battery lasts at least a month!

When I’m not reading books, my Kindle does a good job as a calculator, stopwatch, and gaming device (through the use of installed programs).

When I’m at the drawing board and need to stir the creative juices, it sometimes helps to simply do some other kind of activity. The process is a lot like trying to remember something that’s on the tip of your tongue. When you stop struggling with trying to remember, the lost piece of info pops into your head.   It’s the same principle.    When I stuggle too much in trying to find a gag or idea for my comic strip George, I pick up my Kindle and start playing Solitaire, Blackjack or other game.   Sometimes, I’ll read a chapter of a book or a Sherlock Holmes short story.

Then Boom!  An idea comes to me out of the blue.

I highly recommend Kindle!  The games and other applications are reasonably priced.   Usually  99 cents.  Surprisingly, some games are free.

The best part is the selection of books.  Kindle books are very reasonably priced.  And there are tons of free books!  Pick up Twain or a Sherlock Holmes collection for free!  Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson,  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, etc.  Whjen you own a Kindle, all these classic books are available for free download at amazon.com.

Get a Kindle and get lost in a book (or game).  It might inspire you, too, when you’re trying to solve a problem or remember some piece of information..


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