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Posts Tagged ‘Gimp’

There are lots of graphics software applications out there.  Photoshop is the big dog on the block and many professional artists, cartoonists, and film makers use it for a variety of tasks. There are also graphics applications that rival Photoshop and do just about as much as Photoshop but a t a lower cost.  It […]


After uploading comic strips to this blog for the first two weeks in January, I noticed that I forgot to change the copyright from 2010 to 2011. How many times will we fail to write “2011” and instead, accidentally continue to write “2010” in the days ahead?  Well, it happened to me at the digital […]


“How’d ya do that?”  I get this question as often as I get , “How do you get your ideas?”  And, of course, the first question refers to the kinds of digital tools I use to help produce my cartoon features and images for my blog posts. Since moving over to Linux, I’ve been using […]
