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Archive for July, 2016

I find myself buying and trying different products for my wet shaving routine. I never used to do this.  But when you move over to this method of shaving (which is the RIGHT way to shave), there are countless skin products to help the process along. And the bonus in all this is, I’m learning […]



I’m really getting into wet shaving.  so much so, that, yes, I’m actually shooting videos about the various products I use. Well, the reason is, wet shaving (also know as “DE Shaving” or “double edge shaving”) is becoming quite popular again.  And there is an air of mystery around it.   My father always said […]



Keep Cool

Back during my college days, before Google and digital imaging, the race was always on to get a book from the library in order to complete an assigned mid-term paper.  Many times, all you needed to do was reference a page or two from the book.  Predictably, all copies of the book were always checked-out by another student. […]


Day Off

If you live in an older home, check the medicine cabinet. From what I understand, years ago, this was a very common feature in bathrooms across America.



Readers of this blog and budding cartoonists always ask me what tools I use to create my cartoon features.  Well, I’m happy to announce that I’ve created an online store where you can purchase the very items I use! It’s called Georgetoon Studio Stop!  I’ve listed all the pencils, pens, sharpeners, etc. that I use […]
