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Archive for October, 2014

Along with rocks, cliffs, and sea serpents, I enjoy drawing water falls. I like the line work and creating the foam, etc.


One of my favorite movies is “Forbidden Planet.”  Not only does it have some of the most awesome visual effects (many created by Disney Studios), it has the greatest movie robot ever! Robbie the Robot! So, here’s an Inktober robot of my own.


I know Inktober is supposed to be abut improving inking skills, but I drew this cartoon in less than 45 seconds. I just wanted to see if I could do it. No pencil sketch, no set-up, no pencil guides of any kind.  Just a flair pen on a piece of paper.  it was quick, easy, […]


Like I said yesterday, Halloween is fast approaching. Better buy that candy now while it’s still on store shelves.


A quick Frankenstein cartoon cuz Halloween is around the corner.


Inspired by a really terrific movie.  “Mary Poppins.”  You can’t help but smile when you watch this film.


I love coffee. And I like dashing off these little thumbnail images of coffee cups containing the liquid in all manner of action.  it’s just a few simple lines, but when combined, the image is always rather eentertaining  It’s stuff like this that I incorporate into my comic strip and cartoon features.


Yesterday was a holiday so there was no mail delivery.  It’ll arrive today.  And get ready because there will be twice as much.


Ya never know who’s looking over your shoulder wen you’re dashing off a note.

