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To get a better look, click on the image to enlarge, then hit your browser's back button to return to this page.

Well, looks like it’s going to be an all cartoon week. I really didn’t’ feel like writing much this week anyhow.

I want to show you some of the other work I do for  I hope you enjoy these other features as much as I do in creating them.

Posted today is another I Knew That!  It’s a question that most baby boomers will know…unless of course you get that little bit of brain freeze and end up slapping your forehead, “I KNEW that!

Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============> Lost In Space. A theatrical film version, based on the T.V. show, was released in 1998.


Discussion (2) ¬

  1. Tom

    Toooooooo easy

    • Mark

      That’s the idea of the feature. This is stuff you should know. But every once in a while…brain hiccup.:)

Reply to Tom ¬

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