atmbucksJust the other day, I received an email detailing an ATM card scam. As with any email, I double checked to make sure the information was legitimate.

Sure enough, a quick check on proved that the information I received was, in fact, accurate.

Even though it was a little dated, it still serves as a reminder to always be vigilant when using your ATM/Debit card.

The  scan is a variation on the “Lebanese Loop.”

You can read all about this scam here. There is a very good explanation detailing the scam as well as surveillance photos illustrating exactly how thieves pull off the theft.

So be aware and alert when using your ATM/Debit card.  Shield your pin number from prying eyes. If someone appears to be standing too close to you and the ATM, leave the area and use another machine elsewhere.  And lastly, never give out your pin number.


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