If you’ve been reading this blog, you’ve noticed that I’m not only talking about cartooning, but it appears I’ve gone off on a wild tangent to discuss wet shaving! How can these two be related? Well, as I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, ideas and creativity strike when I’m doing the most casual, routine, and uneventful tasks. It’s during these moments  of walking, shaving, driving,  etc., that lightning strikes!

I recently spoke with my good frined Bunny Hoest of “The Lockhorns” fame.  She told the story of a cartoonist who took his time sharpening pencils.  When his editor complained that he took too much time sharpening pencils, the cartoonist explained that this is when he did his most creative thinking.   As Bunny related, “When you’re doing the most mundane, slow, and routine thing is exactly when your mind is racing along at a hundred miles an hour!”

And that’s why I do some blog posts about shaving with a safety razor.  It’s during my morning shave that I get to clear the cobwebs and let my mind wander and race around a bit.

And if I do get that funny idea, I have to IMMEDIATELY write it down.  Failing to do so results in it being lost forever.  I even know of cartoonists who keep a pad and paper on their night stand. They sometimes wake up with an idea and need to write it down.  Otherwise, in the morning, it’s forgotten.

So, whatever your career, I’m sure it involves a creative process.  I encourage you to let your mind wander and race around as you do that routine task.  Wet shaving is a great way to start the morning.  Give it a try!  You’ll get a great shave and you’ll also find yourself coming up with creative solutions to those pressing problems and questions.


Discussion (2) ¬

  1. Crow

    That’s what I liked from running 7 miles each day at 5:00 in the morning. Later when work and family were too much I drove listening to music at nights after work gave a thought and decided for next day. Lately, as I dedicate too many hours to work and famliy (and it will be like that for several more months) I happen to get ideas when I’m driving to or from home but is not enough.
    I had forgot all that. Since driving around at nights is a high risk sport this days I will try to walik in the treadmill at least half an hour, have to decide the time of day, probably at 5:00 o’clock.
    Thank you for made me remember something so important to me

  2. Mark

    Crow, walking works for me, as well!:) An early morning walk or a walk on the treadmill.) Just getting in the rhythm or something repetitive allows the mind to relax, then POP! A funny idea comes to mind, out of the blue.:)

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