Click the cartoon to enlarge.

Click the cartoon to enlarge.

One of the really fun things about being a cartoonist is coming up with new features for readers. Sometimes a new feature will just pop into your head. Other times,  the feature develops over weeks, months, or years.

When was launched, I needed one more feature to round out the package of cartoons we sell to newspapers.   When I was with DBR Media, I had proposed the feature I Knew That! to my editor, Diane Eckert. (By the way, Diane Eckert is the person who gave me my first big shot at national syndication with King Features.  I’m forever grateful. Thanks, Diane!)

The idea behind it takes trivia in a slightly new direction.

I Knew That! involves EASY trivia questions everyone knows.  But every so often, when we hear a question and we KNOW that we know the answer, our brain hiccups.  The answer sits in the back of the head and just won’t come forward.

When we finally hear/read the answer, we slap our foreheads and exclaim, “I knew that!”  (Even when we do know the answer, we still end up saying, “I Knew That!”)  Hence, the name of the feature.

I talked about I Knew That! once before, briefly, here in the blog.  I was selling the I Knew That! New Year’s shirt.

Anyhow, I pitched it to Diane.  At the time, DBR had a nice package of features for newspapers and really didn’t need another game panel.  So, I filed it away.

Then, a few years later, I found myself launching and needing just one more fun feature for newspapers.  I pulled out I Knew That! , drew up a new batch of panels, and included it with the other four features I draw.

It’s been a big hit with client newspapers ever since its launch. And I really enjoy thinking up these questions.  The really fun part is drawing the cartoon for the question.  Sometimes the cartoon gives you a very strong hint to the answer. Other times, it’s more obscure.  I t all depends on how much I want to give away.  (And I give away quite a bit.  It’s supposed to be EASY, remember?)

Above is an I Knew That! panel.  I’ll drop ’em in from time to time.  If you really want to see the feature every week, give your local newspaper a call and ask them to pick up the Georgetoon cartoon package from

Click the carton to enlarge it and take a shot at answering it.   Then  hit your Back Button in your browser to come back to this page.

Oh, and the answer to I Knew That! is just  below.  Slapping your forehead yet?

Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right to reveal the answer)======> Steve Spielberg’s Jurassic Park (Based on Michael Cricton’s novel of the same name).


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