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Posts Tagged ‘Fish’

Go Deep

Fourth Of July

We’ll take a brief break from posting “I Knew That!” cartoon panels and instead bring back a reader favorite we call  “Double Take.” “Double Take” is a fun cartoon game panel for all ages.  It’s easy to play!  Simply find six differences between the cartoons!  And we’ve included a n Apple iPad theme for all […]


This time around, the lighting is is much better. So, this video is really an exercise to see if my new set-up to record these will work. it seems to be an improvement over other methods I’ve used. Enjoy the video. Now that I know this works, more to come.:)


My brothers love to fish.  My nephews and nieces love to fish.  Me?  Well, I like to fish, too.  But, mostly, I like cartooning fish.  I guess it’s because you can make each fish a unique character by changing it’s fins, eyes, tail, etc.  You can play with the lines and, really, that’s what cartooning is all […]
